Bell and Goose Cheese

One of my favorite, go-to snacks is cheese and crackers. This is such a great, versatile snack, because there is an unlimited amount of combinations possible. Cheese goes well with so many things… crackers, vegetables (extra points for roasted vegetables!), fresh and dried fruits, jams, jellies, preserves, spices and herbs, nuts and seeds, and some meats. So, it really is hard to get bored of a snack that can be chan ged in so many ways. I also love how you can dress-up or down cheeses. Fancy cheese board for your holiday party? Just packing a lunch? Got home from work or school and need a quick snack? Cheese can be used in any of these ways and it is a great way to incorporate protein into your diet.

            Recently, walking around the Winter Farmer’s Market, I decided to stop by Bell & Goose, where I talked to the charming owner, Anna. Anna helped walk me through the different cheeses she had for tasting and told me the story of her business. Anna started making artisanal cheese in 2003. She fell in love with the artform and, after working both with milk production and cheese production, decided that her true love was in the details of cheesemaking. Thus, one and a half years ago, Bell & Goose was born. All of the milks used in her cheeses are locally sourced from nearby Bodwell Family Farm. Anna’s business is one of the few artisanal cheese businesses in New Hampshire. Unfortunately, artisanal cheese businesses in New Hampshire seem to be disappearing at an alarming rate. Nearby states like Connecticut and Vermont have seen steady levels of business, while New Hampshire has unfortunately seen a drop in business. The answer is not clear as to why this is happening, but it is important for consumers to buy local, artisanal cheeses from New Hampshire cheesemakers. Bell and Goose sells cheeses at different farm stands, farmers markets, and stores throughout New Hampshire and Massachusetts (check their website for details!). I was lucky enough to take home three of Anna’s delicious cheeses: Hunca Munca, Caerphilly, and Quarry Stone Tomme.

The day before this Farmer’s Market, I actually attended a wine-tasting class and learned a thing or two about pairing wines and foods, and decided this would be the perfect time to test my new knowledge. A good food and wine pairing will complement each other well: lighter wines go well with lighter dishes, while fuller-bodied wines go well with heavier dishes. If you’re interested in what exactly that means, I highly recommend attending a wine-tasting class, it’s a lot of fun! Basically, what it all boils down to, is personal preference, and the “rules” of pairing can be broken depending on your own personal preferences. I found that Bell and Goose cheeses are the perfect option to pair with wines (or if that’s not your style, they’re great on their own as well!).

Hunca Munca is a delicious take on a Swiss cheese with a gentle, nutty flavor. I paired this with a medium-bodied chardonnay. Needless to say, the combination was stellar! One other way I used this cheese was by shredding it on top of crostini and broiling for 1 minute (or less, depending on how hot your broiler is) and topping with arugula, absolutely delicious! The next flavor, Quarry Stone Tomme, is similar to Hunca Munca, but with a much smoother, less-firm texture. I chose to also pair this with a chardonnay, but I think a sauvignon blanc would also work well since this cheese is lighter and slightly-tangier. I would give an example of how I used this in a recipe, but we finished the block before I was able to try anything out (it’s just that good)! Although those cheeses were fantastic, my favorite, without a doubt, was the Caerphilly. Caerphilly is a Welsh Cheddar-style cheese, which differs from a regular cheddar in that it is younger (aged for less time) and lighter in texture. There is a nice tang to this cheese, making it a perfect candidate to pair with a medium-bodied pinot noir. I had to hold myself back from finishing the entire block in one sitting because of how addicting this cheese is. I think upgrading a grilled cheese or a mac & cheese dish with this would be out-of-this-world delicious.

Overall, even though exploring the world of wine pairings is fun, the true star of these tastings were the cheeses. Bell & Goose Cheese Co. is the perfect source for local, high-quality, delicious artisanal cheeses. Whether you are having them as a snack, or serving them at a holiday party, they are sure to impress everyone. Although I only mentioned the three cheeses I tried out here, Anna also sells other styles including camembert (yum!) and herbed soft cheeses. I am for sure going to be trying those out next time I have the chance to buy some of these cheeses.

Check out for more information and other styles of cheese.