New Eden Organic Cooking & Canning Workshops

Want to learn what to do with all that delicious, local summer produce that will be available over the next few months? The New Eden Collaborative of the First Parish Church has launched their Organic Cooking and Canning Workshops for those interested in learning to cook and preserve locally grown produce simply and deliciously. Local green thumbs and culinary aficionados Kim Goodhue and Chuck Schultz will lead the series of cooking and canning workshops.

They will demonstrate various ways to cook and preserve native vegetables and fruits, including tasting, discussion, participation, and samples to bring home. Upcoming workshops include:

Green Beans ~ June 13, 7-8pm: Kim will prepare fresh beans and snow peas, by blanching and sautéing them with flavorings. He will roast green beans and produce a Chinese green bean dish; snow peas, sautéed with flavorings.

Quick Pickles ~ June 27, 7–9pm: Chuck will make quick pickles out of an array of vegetables (no canning needed). Participants to are invited to take some home!

Summer Squash / Beets ~ July 18, 7–8pm: Kim will sauté zucchini and yellow squash with other vegetables and flavorings. He will also demonstrate how to simmer and glaze fresh beets.

Picklin’ Time ~ July 25, 7–9pm: Chuck will prepare and can pickles.

Ratatouille ~ August 1, 7–8pm: Kim will create the French vegetable casserole ratatouille with zucchini, eggplant, onions, green peppers, and tomatoes.

Tomatoes, Tomahtoes ~ August 8, 7–9pm: Chuck will preserve tomatoes in a variety of ways, including canning.

Workshops will be held in the kitchen at First Parish Church of Newbury, 20 High Road in Newbury, MA.

Pre-registration is required. For more information about workshop topics and schedules visit the New Eden Collaborative website: