Backyard Composting with Rian Bedard, June 24

Greater Seacoast Permaculture Group
Barrington, NH
Sunday, June 24, 2012
3 – 5pm, with a potluck for anyone can stay afterwards

In the spirit of Waste = Food (permaculture principle #6), let’s learn and/or refine our composting techniques with Rian Bedard of EcoMovement!

Come learn the basics of backyard composting, the do’s and don’ts, how to keep your pile active, and the basic science behind it. Rian will also talk about how it is done on a large scale at commercial facilities.

Rian is a great teacher, really makes this as fun and fascinating as it should be!  I learn something new from him every time, despite having done my own home composting for years!

Rian Bedard is a certified Permaculture Designer and instructor.  He started the first Zero Waste program as manager of the Me and Ollie’s cafe in Downtown Portsmouth.  He worked as Assistant Director of the Green Alliance, where he realized that there was a demand for compost hauling service. In November of 2009 he decided to venture into the hauling industry and started a company called EcoMovement. They currently have over 100 clients and are diverting an estimated 20 tons of food waste from the landfill each week.

We are charging for this on a sliding scale of $10-20, payable at the workshop.

For more information: