Introduction to Natural Goat Keeping, June 29


Next in the Greater Seacoast Permaculture Group’s series of animal husbandry workshops is Introduction to Natural Goat Keeping on Sunday, June 29th, from 10am to 12pm:

Introduction to Natural Goat Keeping
Greater Seacoast Permaculture Group
Barrington, NH
Sunday, June 29, 2014
10am – 12pm
Deposit: $5 per person

If you are considering adding goats, especially a small scale goat dairy operation, to your homestead come for this introduction and learn what’s involved from Amy & Steve. We will begin out in the barn for our morning feeding and milking routine. You will meet our three Nigerian Dwarf does and some of their kids, watch us trim a hoof, and can try your hand at milking. We’ll talk about organic feed, herbal and other health care, rotational browsing, housing and fencing needs and basic behavior management. We’ll also do a permaculture needs / products / characteristics analysis of goats together! There will be taste testing of their milk and the cheese and yogurt Amy makes from it. We’ll have handouts and references for more information.

We, Amy & Steve, are not experts, as we are just 3 years into our goat keeping journey. But, we have learned a lot and pulled together information from various sources for a plan that is working great for us and our girls. We’d love to share it with you!

This event costs $10-20, sliding scale, payable at the workshop. An optional lunch potluck follows.

For more information: