3rd Annual Farm-a-Q at Emery Farm, June 29

7804008458_081c6509a1_nSummer’s just around the corner and local farmers are planting like crazy this time of year, with lots of heirloom seeds going into the ground in preparation for the third annual Farm-a-Q! Hosted by our friends at Slow Food Seacoast and the Heirloom Harvest Project, this year’s family-friendly barbecue extravaganza takes place at Emery Farm in Durham, NH, on Sunday June 29th:

3rd Annual Farm-a-Q
Slow Food Seacoast & Heirloom Harvest Project
Emery Farm, 135 Piscataqua Rd / Route 4, Durham, NH
Sunday, June 29, 2014

The the third annual Farm-a-Q will take place this year on June 29th at Emery Farm in Durham, NH. A joint effort of Slow Food Seacoast and the Heirloom Harvest Project, Farm-a-Q is a picnic-style bounty of heirloom and heritage foods grown on local farms and prepared by some of the area’s best restaurants. The afternoon features an incredible buffet, showcasing the abundance of delicious locally grown products and the talent of local chefs.

This year we are hosted by one of the oldest continuously farmed properties in the country, Emery Farm. You have probably driven by the farm stand on Route 4 many times, perhaps even stopped in to pick some berries or buy a pumpkin in the fall. Recently, cattle from Miles Smith Farm have been grazing on the property, and at Farm-a-Q we’ll get a tour of the “back 40” that you don’t see from the road. The day will feature tastings, demonstrations, kids activities, a farm tour, hay rides and best of all, the amazing locally grown, multi-course picnic-friendly meal prepared by our even more amazing local chefs!

This year we look forward to the culinary creations of our old favorites and some new comers as well. Here’s a short list of who will be grillin’ and baking for you on the 29th: Black Trumpet Bistro, Black Birch, Beach Pea Baking Company, Buttermilk Baking Company, Cava, Demeter’s, The District, Joinery, The Kitchen on Islington, Moxy and When Pigs Fly.

So mark your calendars and get ready for this great summer event! Experience the delicious transformation of locally grown food through the hands of culinary artists and savor the tastes of summer — tickets available here! We need volunteers for this event, so if you would like to help out please sign up here.

For more information: www.slowfoodseacoast.org