Your Community, Your Food Guide — Help bring it to print!

size_550x415_coverHelp us print the Food Education Network’s Your Community Food Guide — An introduction to eating local in the Seacoast of NH!

The Food Education Network (FEN) has just released its digital guide to eating locally in the Seacoast Area called Your Community Food Guide. The Guide provides suggestions about how to eat affordable and healthy local food while staying within a budget. It educates people about how to shop at the Farmers’ Markets and farm stands, grow their own foods, and prepare and cook a variety of vegetables, fruits, meat, and other local products. It also features a handy quick guide to which foods are available and in season throughout the year.

Now, we’d like to get the guide printed to get this useful information to people who may not have access to computers or the Internet. Our goal is to print 500 copies. Your donations will help us get there — every bit helps!

FEN is dedicated to increasing access to healthy, local and organic foods to low-income communities with the overall goal to improve nutrition knowledge and cultivate cooking skills. We hope to enable people to choose healthy foods, learn to prepare nutritious meals for their families and to increase the availability of local foods to these communities.

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