Welcome Isis!


isisHello, My name is Isis Ulery Chapman and I am a new Intern at Seacoast Eat Local! I am a homeschool student in my freshman year of high school. I am in a homeschool co-op in Exeter called The Penn Program. Right now I am learning Mandarin Chinese, how to do metal work in jewelry, about Buddhism and I am starting my own food podcast.

I grew up all over NH and love exploring the world around me. I am in the process of hiking the 48 4,000 footers and bike almost everyday. I also enjoy Contra dancing, reading, taking Polaroid photos, playing ukulele and piano, volunteering at various organizations and writing letters in my spare time.

I am very interested in culinary arts and get so much joy from working with fresh and local foods. I am very excited to learn more about the seasonal foods in the seacoast, meet all the people involved and join the community it has created.

If you see me at a farmers’ market, please come up and say hi!