Blissful Benefits of Bison Meat

For two years, I took what I thought was the “heroic” path of vegetarianism. I forfeited my love of juicy burgers and sweet smoky ribs. I told myself I would be content with a veggie and grain based diet. Though many people participate in this lifestyle, it left my stomach a little empty. wholeheartedly commend those who are either vegetarian or vegan for their dedication to their cause, but it wasn’t working for me. I like to think my cause, which has led me to intern for Seacoast Eat Local, is to support those who dedicate their livelihoods to agriculture and local food. I enjoy meat and I support those who put in the time and energy to raise meat, so it was around this Thanksgiving that I decided to forgo my vegetarian diet and explore all the endless meat possibilities. Having the opportunity to work alongside Seacoast Eat Local, I have the opportunity to meet the very farmers that I advocate for and support.   

This last week in Exeter, I had the chance to nibble on bison jerky! Roaming up and down the aisles of the farmers’ market, I stopped by Hackmatack Farm’s booth, and picked up their packaged bison jerky. I initially thought how weird this product I held in my hand was, but that thought quickly dissipated once I tasted the smoky and hearty flavors of the jerky. Hackmatack Farm is located in Berwick, Maine, where they raise their bison herd on a hundred percent grass-fed diet and free of any sort of antibiotics. Their quality and care can be seen through their meat, and while I had jerky, you can get patties, steaks, and even soap! Bison meat is known for being a “healthier” meat compared to conventional beef, as it is leaner and provides more protein per serving. If you may be skeptical of bison meat, I recommend you meeting the family of Hackmatack Farm, and let them convince you of this awesome product. Place your orders here for tasty Australian Biltong in moist or dry form.