Seeking Farmer for Goss Farm in Rye

The Rye Conservation Committee is seeking a farmer for their newly protected Goss Community Farm:

For spring of 2012, the Rye Conservation Commission and subcommittee are looking for a local farmer to farm using sustainable practices acreage at the newly protected Goss Community Farm in Rye, NH. Interested in working with local farmers’ market, community and school gardens on site is a must. No housing currently offered. Water is available on site, and there may be availability for a high tunnel.

Contact Rye Selectmen’s office (964-5523). Please provide possible dates and interest in a site meeting/discussion. For any questions or additional information contact: [email protected].

3 thoughts on “Seeking Farmer for Goss Farm in Rye

  1. I am glad my ancestors farm is conserved in Rye but I am looking for a farmer as well. Strangely enough, I am going to likely need a farmer eventually as well at my farm “The Powder Major’s” in Madbury, Lee, Durham. I have 30+ acres of open fields and much forest land. I have spent ten years preparing the land (pulling rocks etc.)Have nice house, large barn and farm pond water source. Would like to produce food for sale or local school. Please lets stay in touch on this need your help.

    1. Mr. Goss,

      I’m a student at UNH and have read the comprehensive work a couple of students did for you in the near past. I’m in the senior Environmental and Resource Economics course. I have a group of students that I am in, and we are hoping to do some analysis of fallow to agriculturally productive open space. We are currently seeking a piece of town-owned open space so that we can propose our project to whichever town the piece of land that we finally decide to analyze falls under. Do you know any town-owned open space in Lee/Madbury/Barrington that could be a great case study for the small scale, sustainable production? If we have a difficult time finding a case study, do you think you would be interested having us analysis of your farm on Cherry Lane? We would have to meet and discuss some things a couple of times in the month of April. It could be of benefit to your and your brothers/co-owners.

      1. Hi Evan, I’ve forwarded your inquiry onto Mr. Goss so he can reply to you directly.

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