Seacoast Permaculture Group SWAP Event, September 9

The Greater Seacoast Permaculture Group is holding another SWAP Event on Friday, September 9th in Dover, NH. Trade what you have plenty of for someone else’s bounty!

SWAP Event
Greater Seacoast Permaculture Group
Dover, NH
Friday, September 9, 2011
6 p.m.

It’s time to SWAP again!

A Special Theme for September: Let’s share our bounty! Do you have extra garlic?  Some perennials to divide? Lots of strawberry jam? Please use the comments area to talk about what you might bring or what you’re looking for.

Inspired by the the Sommerville Trading Post and the Portland Trading Post, let’s further build our community by sharing our bounty and talents with each other – outside the cash economy. Plants, seeds, hand-made items, preserved foods, fermented items – if you have an abundance of something, it’s welcome at our swap event!

The rules are simple:

•  No cash changes hands.
•  Don’t start the swapping until everyone’s there and has a chance to look around at what’s on offer (we’ll start swapping at 6:30).
•  You can swap with someone or simply “gift” things to each other.
•  Make sure you’ve found a home for all your stuff before you leave (or take home what hasn’t been gifted).
•  If you bring a food item with multiple ingredients, please label.

The swap event is free and open to everyone. Please arrive at 6pm so everyone can see what is available. Swapping will likely finish around 8pm.  Please take your RSVP seriously, as space is limited.

For more information: