Seacoast Fiber Fest at Riverslea Farm, August 11

4th Annual Seacoast Fiber Fest at Riverslea Farm
Riverslea Farm, 362 North River Rd, Epping, NH
Sunday, August 11, 2013
10am – 2pm
Free and open tot he public

This is the 4th annual celebration of fiber at Riverslea Farm in Epping, NH. Admission is free. There will be many fiber artists and hobbyists sharing their craft with the public, in addition to many beautiful, hand-made products for sale.

Get ready for some spinning, (wet/needle) felting, knitting, silk painting, basket weaving, rug hooking, weaving, skirting, drum carding, and shearing demonstrations by local artists. And our angora goat and rabbit, Shetland and alpaca friends will be there too along with their owners!

The animals (and farmers) look forward to seeing you there!

For more information: