School Garden 101, October 21


University of Maine Cooperative Extension in York County is offering School Garden 101 this fall, beginning on Tuesday, October 21st. This series of 6 classes is geared for school teachers, school staff, and volunteers who want to build their skills related to creating and maintaining a successful school garden:

School Garden 101 Short Course
University of Maine Cooperative Extension in York County
Central School, 197 Main St, South Berwick, ME
Tuesdays, October 21, 28, November 4, 18, 25 & December 2, 2014
4:30 – 7pm
Cost: $60 (includes all classes & materials)

Participants will learn about and share means and methods of integrating the garden to the classroom and cafeteria. Each of the six class sessions will focus on a particular garden subject including composting, soils, seedlings and garden planning. Course participants will build an understanding of basic gardening principles; connect gardening principles to school activities and curriculum; and support the creation or enhancement of school gardens with ideas and planning time.

To maximize the benefits and experience, it is encouraged that several people (teachers, cooks, parents, librarians, etc.) from the same school community enroll in the course. 1.5 CEUs available upon successful course completion. Register online by Friday, October 17, 2014. Class limited to 20 participants.

Contact: Becky Gowdy at 1-800-287-1535 (in Maine) or 207-324-2814 or e-mail [email protected].

For more information: