Putting Food By, September 12

A newly scheduled workshop, “Putting Food By”, from the UNH Cooperative Extension:

The Boscawen Ag Commission was going to present a free class on September 12th called “Cooking from Your Garden” however the speaker canceled.

There is still a presentation on September 12 at the Town of  Boscawen office, 4th Floor Community Room, 116 North Main Street, Boscawen (adjacent to Alan’s Restaurant), NH — only now it is called “Putting Food By” and will be presented by Dot Perkins of the UNH Cooperative Extension, and will cover the basics of root cellaring, canning, drying and preserving foods. This is not a hands-on workshop, but rather an information-packed workshop designed to give you tips and tricks to keep food over the winter.

Workshop to begin at 6:30 p.m., and is free and open to the public. Please register by calling Elaine at (603) 796-6241 or by emailing: [email protected].