Protect Maine and NH Food Consumers Right To Know — Label GMOs!

It’s official! Maine’s Legislature has a bill in the works that will require labeling of foods genetically engineered by design. From MOFGA:

Help MOFGA Pass a Landmark Law to Ensure the Public’s Right to Know about Genetically Modified Organisms in Food 

An Act To Protect Maine Food Consumers Right To Know is in the Legislature’s Office of the Revisor of Statutes. We expect to see final language of the bill within a couple of weeks and will keep you posted.

An estimated 80% of processed foods contain GMOs. For the past 20 years, Americans have been denied the right to know what’s in their food. Help make this the change we can believe in: Label GMOs!

In Maine, we pride ourselves on having choices and making informed decisions. Unfortunately we don’t have that choice when it comes to genetically modified ingredients in the foods we purchase and feed our families. Labeling is essential for Mainers who want to choose whether or not to consume genetically engineered foods. Read more…

The New Hampshire Legislature is also considering a bill (HB660-FN) that would label foods and agricultural commodities containing genetically engineered ingredients (GMOs). A public hearing will take place on February 19 in Concord at 1 p.m.; public testimony is welcome. A petition supporting the bill is available, with a goal of at least 2,000 signatures.