Hot Water Bath Canning & Freezing: Applesauce, October 4

Preserving the Harvest: A Hands-On Food Preservation Workshop
Kittery Adult Ed, Traip Academy, Kittery, ME
Thursday, October 4th, 2012
5:30 – 8:30 pm
Cost: $5 + $10 materials fee

Topic: Hot Water Bath Canning and Freezing: Applesauce

Ever wonder how to preserve all those great garden vegetables? This hands-on food preservation workshop taught by UMaine Cooperative Extension volunteers and staff will teach you the basic steps for canning and freezing. Participants will receive a “Preserving the Harvest” food preservation packet, and will learn recommended methods forpreserving foods, the latest and safest recipes, about equipment to insure safety and how to check for properly sealed jars. Participants may bring their own pressure canner dial gauge to class for a free accuracy test! Please bring a potholder with you to the workshop. Class size is limited to 12.

Kate McCarty, Food Preservation Program Aide, from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension will instruct this course. For the full schedule of  hands-on workshops >

For more information: