Permaculture Film & Food Night: “Garbage! The Revolution Starts at Home”, February 8

UnknownFilm & Food Night: “Garbage! The Revolution Starts at Home”
Sponsored by The Seacoast Permaculture Group & The United Campus Ministry to UNH
Venue: The Waysmeet Center, 15 Mill Road, Durham, NH
Date: Sunday, February 8, 2015
Time: 5 – 8 pm

Garbage! The Revolution Starts at Home: Concerned for the future of his new baby boy, Andrew Nisker takes an average urban family and asks them to keep every scrap of garbage that they create for three months. He then takes them on a journey to where it all goes and what it’s doing to the world. By the end of this trashy odyssey, you are truly inspired to revolutionize your lifestyle for the sake of future generations. Our discussion afterwards will especially address ways we do or could reduce waste. Feel free to bring examples to show folks!

Our Film & Food nights are a chance for us to come together for both learning and getting to know each other better. We ask that you come with an open mind and heart to new information and new friends.

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