NH Food Symposium at UNH, October 24

The inaugural NH Food Symposium held by the UNH caps a month of events celebrating Food Day, Monday, October 24th. Come and learn more about student led, academic-based, and community-based initiatives, and meet with key stakeholders — the public is invited:

1st Annual NH Food Symposium
Memorial Union Building – Strafford Room, University of NH, Durham, NH
Monday, October 24, 2011
6-8 p.m.
Free and open to the public

If you would permit yourself to do so, imagine the time shortly before the first Earth Day in 1970. The people there were the movers and shakers who intended to bring environmental issues to the forefront. As the buzz found its way to the colleges, universities, small towns, and major cities, no one was exactly sure what was going to come of the inaugural celebration. All that they knew was that it was going to be an incredible act of unity. Looking back, there were major policy changes that resulted and more people than ever before felt a connection with our Earth. Today, Earth Day is one of the most recognizable commemorative holidays across the globe.

This October 24 marks the inaugural Food Day, a commemorative holiday that is aimed at raising awareness and advocacy for a most pressing issue of this 21st century. In an attempt to garner widespread support for a more sustainable food system from farm to fork, the Center for the Interest of Public Health has spearheaded national efforts and the Real Food Challenge has coordinated campus efforts to make this first year a hit!

On Food Day from 6 to 8 pm, the University of New Hampshire will be hosting the first annual Food Symposium in the Strafford Room of the Memorial Union Building. This public event will feature community, statewide stakeholders who are making significant contributions to this movement, ranging from farms and labor, cultural, nutritional and educational, food access and security, environmental and resources, political, economical, to celebratory and community. There will be UNH community efforts highlighted for the first thirty minutes. Then from 6:30-8, the focus will turn statewide, regional, and nationwide.

Our collaborative efforts are stronger when we come together as one. The power is in our hands. They just don’t realize this, yet. UNH’s Food Symposium will be the single most recognized annual event held at the university. As Autumn’s harvest season succumbs, the buzz will begin to build about the year’s Food Symposium.

Contact: Evan Girard, [email protected], or Hannah Coon, [email protected].

For more information: www.sustainableunh.unh.edu