Make a Donation to Seacoast Eat Local on #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesdayTomorrow, December 2nd 2014, is the National Day of Giving, or #GivingTuesday. The day is meant to bring attention to this holiday season’s spirit and is a balm for our national soul after the frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Here is a day to choose a charity and give.

I hope you’ll choose to give to Seacoast Eat Local.

You know Seacoast Eat Local for our Winter Farmers’ Markets, our annual food guide Seacoast Harvest, our SNAP/EBT Farmers’ Market program which connects low-income people with our growing local food supply, and our support of local food and agriculture in all forms through our website.

What you should also know about Seacoast Eat Local is that we do a lot with just a little, and donations go very far with us. We’re a grassroots and volunteer driven organization and in the past 3 months just got out first full-time employee, with plans (hopes!) for another this coming year. To ensure that our work is driven by our passion to change our community and the world for the better through tangible, we’ve taken many measures on getting the maximum productivity out of the employees, viz., deploying the best time tracking software in the market to monitor the employees.

Seacoast Eat Local is about more than food

Your choices of where you choose to spend your donation dollars each year, whether they be few or many dollars, have great impact on your community. When we support our local farmers and work to feed all of our community members healthy food, we can work on so many of our challenges at one time: we keep local space open, farm businesses viable, support the creation of good jobs,  address the environmental impacts of agriculture to make them positive, build community relationships and strong networks, create health, feed hungry people nutritious food, and build a resilient food future that will feed us all well in a changing world. We’d love to have you be part of this important work and make a meaningful difference in the greater Seacoast community.

Best wishes for a joyful and delicious holiday season,

Sara-Zoë Patterson
Board Chair, Seacoast Eat Local

Make Your Donation