Maine’s Best Poultry Coop Contest

The Maine Poultry Growers Association, in partnership with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, is inviting Maine poultry keepers to submit photos and descriptions of their coops for the 2013 Maine Poultry Coop Contest. Deadline is December 31st:

Maine’s Best Roosts Contest

Got a chicken coop that really rocks? Enter the Maine Poultry Coop Contest, and you could win both accolades and cash. Sponsored by the Maine Poultry Growers Association and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, the purpose of the contest is to showcase coop designs by Maine poultry keepers and enthusiasts.

Poultry owners are invited to enter a photo and description of their coops by Dec. 31. Prizes of $200, $100, and $50 will go to the top three entries; fourth and fifth place winners will receive a subscription to Backyard Poultry magazine. Coops may be seasonal, year-round, stationary or mobile; they can be multipurpose and need not be original designs.

More information and the entry form are online or available by contacting Andrea Herr, (207) 781-6099.

For more information: