Foraging for Autumn Olive, September 27

Foraging for Autumn Olive
Seacoast Permaculture Group
Lee Traffic Circle Parking Lot – far end of Market Basket Lot, Lee, NH
Thursday, September 27, 2012
10 am

Autumn Olives are a yummy, very nutritious food that ripens in abundance in our area every fall. Due to the invasive nature of the plant, it’s not recommended or even legal to plant here, but there is plenty out there that we can gather already.

If you’ve been interested in gathering these berries but were unsure of what they were this can be your chance to learn for sure and get some tips on preserving and using them. They make delicious fruit rollups, jams,…

So, meet us at the Lee Traffic Circle to carpool over to a spot about 20 minutes from there. We might also check out a few potential spots closer and see how those are doing.

No charge for this, though we will accept donations for the meetup group expenses!

For more information: