Food for Thought: Gary Hirshberg at Blue Moon Evolution

The newly formed Food and Health Forum is holding a series of dinner seminars at Blue Moon Evolution in Exeter. The first dinner features Gary Hirshberg of Stonyfield Food on the topic “Inventing a Win-Win-Win-Win-Win Future,” on Monday, January 23, beginning at 6:30. Tickets are $70 per person and includes a three-course locally-sourced dinner and glass of wine with the seminar:

Food for Thought Series: Inventing a Win-Win-Win-Win-Win Future
Guest Speaker: Gary Hirshberg, President and CE-Yo of Stonyfield Food
Blue Moon Evolution, 8 Clifford St, Exeter, NH
Monday, January 23, 2012, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Tickets: $70 per person

Much of the 20th century’s social and economic development was built on mythological foundations—for instance: The idea that the earth is a subsidiary of our economies, there for the taking and dumping. The idea that the earth is infinitely resilient to withstand humans’ abuse. Even the very fundamental allowance in our economic theories for “externalities,” those direct consequences of our economic activities that do not appear on our income statements or balance sheets, and thus no one is held accountable for them.

Another myth is that food can be cheap. In fact, we now know there are significant nutritional, environmental and social costs incurred in the production of so-called cheap food. We just don’t pay them at the supermarket check-out. The net result of businesses and an overall economic system founded on myths is that economic successes for one party or constituency are always at the expense of another. Someone or something always pays when one party wins.

Gary’s presentation will examine one company’s 28-year effort to address those myths head-on; to seek solutions that internalize externalities to the greatest extent possible, and that create the Win-Win-Win-Win-Win formulae in which the conditions for all stakeholders—shareholders, employees, farmers, consumers, even livestock—can be enhanced. This is not only about how we can and must THINK differently but also about proven ACTIONS and RESULTS that can encourage us to embrace sustainability goals in all that we do.

A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Hampshire.

For more information:

2 thoughts on “Food for Thought: Gary Hirshberg at Blue Moon Evolution

  1. Why does this have to be so darned pricey??? $140 for my hubby and I and in this economy? What are you thinking? This is reserved for the 1% I am concluding.

  2. There are scholarships available, here is the information from their website:

    We want to make our events accessible for everyone. We offer the following financial arrangements:
    Students: Volunteer at an event and you attend for free.
    Scholarships: Please send us an email telling us why you would like to attend the event and email it to [email protected]. We will notify you promptly.
    Farmers: We will accept food in exchange for event attendance. If interested, please contact us at: [email protected]

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