Film: “Betting the Farm”, March 2

Kittery Land Trust is hosting a screening of the film, “Betting the Farm, on Saturday, March 2nd, at 4pm at the Kittery Community Center. Bill Eldridge, CEO of MOOMilk, will be on hand for a discussion session following the film, which tells the story of MOOMilk’s first two tumultuous years. Free and open to the public:

Film: “Betting the Farm”
With Bill Eldridge, CEO of MOOMilk
Presented by Kittery Land Trust
Kittery Community Center, Star Theater, 120 Rogers Rd, Kittery, ME
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Kittery Land Trust invites you to a free screening of the Camden International Film Festival 2012 Audience Award winner, “Betting The Farm”.

The film tells an intimate story of the hope, struggles and perseverance of a group of small, Maine dairy farmers in their efforts to get their own milk cooperative, Maine’s Own Organic Milk (MOO Milk), off the ground. “Filmmakers Cecily Pingree and Jason Mann capture their struggles with sensitivity and painterly beauty,” praises the Washington Post. Bill Eldridge, CEO of Moo Milk, will join the screening for questions and discussion.

Visit for more information about this and other “Year of the Farm” events sponsored by KLT to increase understanding and appreciation of local farmland. These events are free and open to the public.

For more information: