Dinner Seminar: Seacoast Sustainable Food System Symposium, March 18

Join a farmer, a fisherman, a grocer, a chef, a grocer, a school nutrition director, a garden historian, and a local food advocate for dinner on March 18th at the Seacoast Sustainable Food Symposium — including Seacoast Eat Local’s very own Sara Zoe Patterson and Josh Jennings:

Seacoast Sustainable Food System Symposium
Food and Health Forum Dinner Seminar
Blue Moon Evolution, Exeter, NH
Monday, March 18, 2013
6:30 pm
$55 per person

The Food and Health Forum celebrates our local food community on March 18 at a dinner seminar at the Blue Moon Evolution at 6:30 pm.  Enjoy a community style dinner and listen and learn and as our local food champions share their challenges, successes and a vision for a strong and sustainable local food system.

John Forti will welcome our panel and reflect upon all the fantastic endeavors going on in the seacoast.  John is  a nationally recognized lecturer, garden historian, ethnobotanist and garden writer. He is currently the Curator of Historic Landscapes at Strawbery Banke Museum and founded and serves as the board chair for Slow Food Seacoast and on the bio-diversity committee for Slow Food USA.

“We are excited to commemorate our local food producers who work their tails off to provide our community with really great food,” said Tracey Miller, co-founder of the Food and Health Forum.  “The seacoast has an abundance of local food that supports our community and our environment.”

The panel includes:

Sara-Zoe Patterson, founder of Seacoast Eat Local, host of the seacoast winter farmers’ markets.

Josh Jennings, Farmer, Meadow’s Mirth Farm, Stratham, NH.

Padi Anderson, who along with her husband Mike Anderson, owns and operates the F/V Rimrack, fishing out of Rye Harbor, NH since the 1970’s.

Ted McCormack, Executive Chef, Blue Moon Evolution restaurant.

Phil Philbrick, owner Philbrick’s Fresh Market in Portsmouth and North Hampton.

Jean Pierce, Director of School Nutrition for Exeter Schools. She helped launch the Exeter High School Community Garden and she purchases meat, vegetables and even maple syrup from local farmers.

The fee for the community style dinner and seminar is $55. It includes a 3-course meal including soup/stew, salad and dessert. Vegan, gluten are available. Blue MoonEvolution is located at 8 Clifford Street, Exeter, NH.

For more information: www.foodandhealthforum.com