Cheese & Yogurt Making, May 17

event_109398302Learning to make your own chevre cheese and yogurt is easy, fun and economical – especially if you have your own milk animals or a farm or farmer’s market nearby that can provide you with fresh milk!

Cheese & Yogurt Making
Greater Seacoast Permaculture Group
Saturday, May 17, 2014
3 – 5pm

We will go through the process of making chevre — a soft goat cheese — using the fresh, raw milk from our goats. We’ll have samples to try from a previous batch as well. We’ll discuss herbs to add, and ways to adjust timing to get different consistencies so you can create something you and your family really love.

I’ll also show you how I make yogurt from our fresh, raw goat’s milk. With the method I use there is no need for a yogurt making machine or added energy after the initial heating of the milk. I have had great success and will have samples for you to try. I will also talk about my choice to always use full-fat milk for the sake of my health, including some very recent studies about this! You will leave this class with a pack of cultures for chevre, a package of butter muslin, and handouts on what to do. And, of course, the experience of helping with a batch!

Amy Antonucci worked in organic agriculture for ten years before transitioning to having her own homestead. She tried veganism for a few years in her twenties, but going back to dairy (and eggs and meat, but especially dairy!) drastically improved her health. She has been keeping dairy goats for three years now, and learned to make cheese from another member of our group. She is thrilled to share what she’s learned with you!

Cost: $20-30 sliding scale includes cultures & muslin to take home. A $10 deposit is required through meetup to sign up for the class, due to the many material costs and limited space. The rest of the fee will be due at the class itself. Options for paying by check instead of electronically are available. Please ask if you need that!

For more information:

3.27.14 Update: Note change of date.