Caring for Chicks (and possibly Ducklings, too!), June 9

There are still some spots open for this Sunday’s workshop, Caring for Chicks (and possibly Ducklings, too!), on June 9th:

Caring for Chicks (and possibly Ducklings, too!)
Greater Seacoast Permaculture Group
Barrington, NH
Sunday, June 9, 2013
3:30 – 5 pm

With chickens we can “Obtain a Yield” (eggs, meat & fertilizer), and “Use Renewable Services” (bug control & weed control) easily. They are fun and easy livestock to keep. If you want to integrate chickens into your permaculture plans, a great way to get started is with day-old hatchlings from a local farm, feed store or reputable mail order source.

So, once the chicks arrive… then what? Come check out Amy & Steve’s setup, complete with chicks! We have used this brooder and method numerous times and can tell you about our successes as well as problems. Temperature, food, water, and bedding will all be discussed.

We will then help you plan for when they’ve grown up with a tour of our coop, where you can meet our laying hens. We’ll talk about rotational grazing, chicken tractors, fencing, predators, litter management, breed choices, chicken health and culling. We will also talk about moving away from brooder use in the future by encouraging your hens to raise the next generation themselves. We also hope to have ducklings by then, and can give you a look at their set-up as well.

The cost for this class is on a sliding scale of $5-10, payable at the meetup.

For more information: