Vendor Spotlight: Stout Oak Farm

Stout Oak Farm is a 5 acre, certified organic, solar powered vegetable farm in Brentwood, New Hampshire. Weekly vegetable CSA shares and farm store credit memberships for pickup at the…

Vendor Spotlight: McKenzie’s Farm

McKenzie’s Farm, located in Milton, New Hampshire offers a variety of fruits, vegetables, cider donuts, and New Hampshire made products. Their farm stand is open May-November from 9:00am-6:00pm daily and…

How to Cook Acorn Squash

Have you ever wondered how to cook acorn squash? Do you peel it? Chop it up? Well, there is a very simple way to cook this seasonal squash that not…

Tuna Stuffed Tomato

Easy and healthy meals are must for those who seem to always be busy. This tuna stuffed tomato recipe is one of my favorites to make on a night that…

Vendor Spotlight: Shagbark Farm

Shagbark Farm out of Rochester, New Hampshire is an organic vegetable farm that has been in business since 1986. They attend summer farmers’ markets in Dover (Wednesdays), Durham, and Portsmouth…

Pumpkin Soup

Walking around the farmers’ market it’s easy to see that fall is well on its way. Pumpkins are starting to pop up at different farm tents, the fall breeze is…

From Seed to Kitchen: Apples

Apples can now be purchased from your local farmers’ markets and farmers.   More information about apples and the information used in this infographic can be found here.

Stuffed Peppers

Peppers are in season and plentiful at the farmers market right now in many varieties and colors. In the spirit of shopping for the season, what could be better than…

Vendor Spotlight: Hickory Nut Farm

Hickory Nut Farm out of Lee, New Hampshire is a small family owned and operated farm founded in the year 2000. Two married architects became goat farmers and the rest…

Apple Chips

Apples are finally at the farmers markets and I have been thinking of ways to incorporate them into my daily diet that are a little different than just having an…