The Comfort of Mom’s Soup

A warm meal on a cold night— nothing quite compares. This weekend, as the air is frigid and snow begins to fall, I suggest a winter soup to warm you up! Especially when the meal comes from your mom!

My mom is all about emptying the fridge of veggies, and combining rice and beans for a complete protein, in order to make a delicious soup. She tends to throw everything together, as measurements are not really a concern. Instead, over time the right consistency is eventually reached. A mixture of spices, including turmeric— which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant— complete the soup.

This week I was presented with some good comfort food from my mom. The following ingredients were used to make the soup:

  • leeks
  • celery
  • zuchinni

all sautéed with pepper and salt and then combine the following

  • Carrots
  • rice
  • water

Boil till cooked and then add

  • diced tomatoes
  • pinto beans
  • kidney beans
  • fresh dill and turmeric