All we want for Christmas …

Here’s our wish list for Santa … help support Seacoast Eat Local this holiday season!

Make a tax deductible donation! You can donate online, or mail a donation made out to “Seacoast Eat Local” at 67 Airport Road, Newington, NH 03801.

Make a donation in someone’s name! In lieu of a physical gift, you can spread goodwill and and support local food and agriculture. We’ll send your recipient a beautiful holiday card letting them know about your donation in their name. To make arrangements to donate in a friend or family member’s honor, email [email protected]. Payment can be made online or by check in the mail.

Purchase market tokens as gifts! These wooden tokens, sold in $5 increments, are good at all the Seacoast Eat Local Winter Farmers’ Markets, as well as the summertime Portsmouth and Dover farmers’ markets. Your purchase encourages more people to shop at the farmers’ markets!

Sign up to be a volunteer! We have volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Email [email protected] to get on our volunteer list.

Spread the good cheer! Share your love of local food and support for local farms by talking about it, sharing our email newsletters, and reposting information on your social media sites. As we all spread information about local food and agriculture, the support for area farmers and sustainable practices grows, creating a stronger local food system!

And most of all, thank you for thinking of us — your support helps us to continue our work ensuring that all of us can eat locally all year long!