Action Alert: Veto the Monsanto Protection Act

From Food Democracy Now!:

Urgent! Immediate Action Needed! Please call President Obama now and tell him to veto the Monsanto Protection Act.

We have less than 24 hours to convey to the White House our outrage at Monsanto for trying to covertly place itself and its genetically engineered crops above judicial review.

CALL (202) 456-1111 or, if busy, (202) 456-1414 now and tell President Obama to veto HR 933. Then get five friends to call!

Also, if you or your friends haven’t taken 40 seconds to sign the Food Democracy Now! petition to the White House, do so now!

More than 225,000 people have already signed the petition, and representatives from Food Democracy Now! will hand-deliver the petition to the White House on Wednesday, March 27. So please sign now!

About the Monsanto Protection Act

Last week the U.S. Congress, under pressure from biotech lobbyists, passed Section 735, which some are calling “the Monsanto Protection Act,” in the Continuing Resolution spending bill – HR 933.

With Senate passage of the Monsanto Protection Act, biotech lobbyists are one step closer to ensuring that their new genetically engineered crops can evade serious scientific or regulatory review.

The Monsanto Protection Act strips judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer and farmer rights and the environment, while opening the floodgates for planting new, untested, genetically engineered crops. The Act would enable biotech companies to continue to sell genetically engineered seeds even when a court of law has found they were approved by USDA illegally, and would force USDA to immediately approve any permits for continued planting at the industry’s request, putting industry completely in charge by allowing for a “back door approval” mechanism.

For more information: