Tony, a lifestyle change champion

Editors Note: Those of us in the Seacoast Eat Local family have come to know and love Tony over several years for all of the reasons Melissa mentions — his…

Compost: A New Way to Recycle

As we are quickly getting into this summer, many of us are either planting or working on our summer gardens. The key to a plentiful summer garden is one important…

A Closer Look at Farm Subsidies

The nature of our agricultural system has been defined by government provision of agricultural subsidies.  The U.S. government pays roughly $25 billion a year to farms, and this money is…

Why We Should Support Local Agriculture

One of the many things that excites me about the production and consumption of local food is the positive impact it can have on the environment.  Perhaps the most obvious…


For those who were not lucky enough to attend this past weekend’s Farm-a-Q, I would like to share how wonderful this experience was, and to highly encourage purchasing a ticket…

An Insight on Local Foods

  Editor’s Note: It has been such a pleasure to work with Emily, and like her friend and intern predecessor Brooke, we have really enjoyed watching her have new learning…

How CSAs Save Local Farms (and the world)

Seacoast Eat Local believes in supporting and promoting local foods for the health of our community, environment, economy and culture. One of the most impactful steps that any individual can…

Eat Ugly Vegetables (A PSA)

According to the non-profit organization, Feeding America, approximately 25 to 40 percent of food grown and transported to the US will never be consumed. That means 20 pounds of food is…

Talking Sustainable Food

I was recently approached by a Portsmouth High School student taking an honors ecology class to answer some questions about sustainable local food. The poor girl probably received far more than…

Immune Booster Blog

The colder weather brings on the cold season. While you shop the markets stock up on items rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A, E and C are the…