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What’s In Your Freezer? (said in a voice like Alec Baldwin)


Every year I get more efficient about preserving food. This year I narrowed down which vegetables we like to eat more and the amount of each. We used to freeze LOTS of zucchini and summer squash, since there always seems to an over flow every season.  We saved much less this season, knowing how much we use them in our favorite soups and dishes. Peaches are another one that I pared down on, because you can only eat so many pies. And I find homemade canned peaches to be tastier as a side dish on the dinner or snack plate. But whatever your individual taste, the fact that my family has a freezer empty of bar codes, but full of high quality vegetables, fruits and meats means many things to us. We are supporting the local economy, environment, and ourselves by eating the best foods the local farms have to offer in our area. What’s in your freezer? I’d love to hear about others venture in preserving food.

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