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Strawberry Basil Popsicles

The last couple days have been very warm here on the Seacoast, so I thought I would switch it up a bit and throw together a refreshing popsicle recipe. These are so easy to make and if you don’t have popsicle molds, you can use ice trays to create little treats. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy these strawberry basil popsicles, because strawberries are in season and can be purchased at your local farmers market and from your local farmers. I can’t wait to try this recipe with watermelon or blueberries when they come in season! If you want something a little lighter and less creamy you can substitute coconut water with coconut milk and these popsicles would still be a tasty treat.

Creates: 6 popsicles

You will need:



  1. Chop the greens off the strawberries if you prefer.
  2. Add all ingredients except extra strawberries to the blender, and blend well.
  3. Pour into popsicle molds or ice cube trays.
  4. Garnish or add design to the popsicles by cutting strawberries thin and pushing against the mold.
  5. Freeze until frozen.
  6. Enjoy!


Have you ever made popsicles? What is your favorite recipe?

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