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A Farmers’ Market Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Do you think t the original 1621 celebration in Plymouth, Massachusetts included a trip to the grocery store? No, it was a local food feast, and you can have one too! Let’s give thanks to your local hard-working farmers who help bring food to our tables.

Luckily, there are some great finds at the farmers’ market that are perfect for your Thanksgiving meal. Stock up on your favorite humanely raised meats, fresh fruits and vegetables to fill up your Thanksgiving table. There are a few markets the weekend before Thanksgiving. Check out the Saco River Farmer’s Market and Rollinsford Winter Farmer’s Market on November 17th or the Kittery Winter Farmer’s Market (in collaboration with SEL) on November 18th.

Don’t forget to share with your friends and family where their food came from! This could be a great opportunity to discuss why you love the farmer’s market and why it is important to buy local foods.

Here are some items from the market that are must-haves for your Thanksgiving meal:

  1. Apples: Make a classic apple pie or check out Sofia’s recipe for Apple & Pear Crisp (right).
  2. Fresh flowers: Farmer’s markets have a great selection of fall flowers/foliage right now that can make a beautiful center piece!
  3. Beets: Simply roast them or Check out Sofia’s post on Fall Root Vegetable Salad.
  4. Broccoli: Try a broccoli casserole.
  5. Mushrooms: Switch up your gravy by adding mushrooms.
  6. Onions: Onions are great in almost everything!
  7. Potatoes: Mashed potatoes are a staple to a Thanksgiving feast.
  8. Sweet Potato: Make a sweet potato casserole or Check out Kaidy’s Post for a Thanksgiving breakfast. 
  9. Turnips: Roasted turnips are an easy side dish!
  10. Farm Fresh Eggs: If you are baking dessert, don’t forget eggs from the market.


AND.. turkey of course!  Check out this great resource for finding local turkeys near you!


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