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Root Vegetable Salad

I went to the Portsmouth Farmer’s market last Saturday, and it was PACKED (check out some of the pictures I took)! I left with some eggplants, onions, tomatoes, flowers and beets. I normally don’t buy beets because I don’t like having pink fingers all day, but I decided to get them!  I just put on a glove to protect my hand from the juice. Beets have been around since the late 1500’s, as they were used for culinary and medicinal purposes. I have been seeing beets in smoothies, juices and salads everywhere! It is no surprise as they are full of vitamins and minerals such as manganese, folate, vitamin B2 and lots of potassium. Beets can help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and dementia. When picking out a beet at the farmers market, know that the medium-sized variety are tender, and the larger ones are a little tougher.  Like most other root vegetables, beets can be used in a variety of ways! You can roast beets in the oven, steam them, or add them to your favorite smoothie! I grated my raw beets into a simple salad with spinach, carrots, tomato and red onion. Here is a delicious root vegetable fall salad that will be great for a lunch or as a side dish:

Fall Root Vegetable Salad



  1. Preheat oven to 400°
  2. Trim the tops of the beets, scrub beets, pat dry and slice into 1/4 inch thick pieces, chop sweet potato into small chunks, toss in a large bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper. Sprinkle cinnamon over sweet potato
  3. Roast vegetables on a baking pan for 20 minutes, tossing occasionally, add the beet greens and bake for 2 more minutes.
  4. Mix together with chopped apple  and greens. Drizzle with salad dressing.



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