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Reading Roundup

There’s been a lot of articles too good not to share in recent weeks:

Let’s Ask Marion Nestle: Who’s Got The Power to End Hunger in America?, Civil Eats

“I’ve just seen A Place at the Table (a film in which I briefly appear), which lays out today’s hunger problem in a particularly poignant way. It was clear from the film that its low-income participants had to deal with what is now called “food insecurity,” meaning that they couldn’t count on a reliable supply of adequate food on a daily basis and sometimes didn’t have enough to eat. But they also had to deal with another problem: the food that they did get was mostly junk food. So the question really should be worded somewhat differently: How can we ensure that everyone in America can afford enough healthy food?” Read the rest >

Pollan Cooks!, Mark Bittman on Michael Pollan’s newest book, New York Times

“Cooking is probably the most important thing you can do to improve your diet. What matters most is not any particular nutrient, or even any particular food: it’s the act of cooking itself. People who cook eat a healthier diet without giving it a thought. It’s the collapse of home cooking that led directly to the obesity epidemic.”

But, says Pollan: “If we decide to outsource all our cooking to corporations, we’re going to have industrial agriculture. And the growth of local, sustainable and organic food, and farmers’ markets, is going to top out if people don’t cook. Because big buys from big, and I have little faith that corporations will ever support the kind of agriculture we want to see. That’s why the most important front in the fight to reform the food system today is in your kitchen.” Read the rest >

Putting an end to hunger: Upcoming film at The Music Hall examines food insecurity and hunger, Rachel Forrest, Portsmouth Herald

“Rosie is a Colorado fifth-grader having trouble in school. It’s difficult for her to concentrate and she’s absent too many days out of the year.

She doesn’t have a learning disability. She doesn’t need glasses or have trouble hearing. She’s tired. Her stomach hurts. She doesn’t do well in school because she’s just plain hungry just about every day of her life.

She’s just one of the people featured in “A Place at the Table,” a film by directors Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush, which examines the issue of food insecurity and hunger. The film will show at The Music Hall in Portsmouth on April 30 and will be introduced by Share Our Strength CEO Billy Shore with a Q&A panel afterwards. The film is part awareness piece and part call to action, but all about the struggle even middle class families go through when trying to put enough food on their tables.” Read the rest >

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