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Northern Shrimp from Rye’s Working Waterfront

With this year’s northern shrimp season underway, it’s time to stock up! From Seacoast Online:

Local demand for shrimp grows, as regulations limit catches

It was already after dark, but the pier at Rye Harbor was just starting to come to life Wednesday evening as the F/V Rimrack docked after a day of shrimping in the Gulf of Maine.

The pier bustled with activity as fishermen in bright yellow bib pants unloaded totes full of pinkish-red shrimp that twinkled under the spotlights. The fishermen joked with each other, doing the phrase “curse like a sailor” proud as they operated forklifts and loaded the totes onto a Yankee Fisherman’s Cooperative truck for distribution to its customers.

Adding to the frenetic feel at the harbor were customers coming from near and far to buy shrimp right off the dock. Rimrack owners Mike and Padi Anderson have customers who travel from as far as Rindge to get a taste of the “fresh from our boat to your table” experience. You can check out these affordable electric forklift for sale which are bound to reduce your workload.

Rebecca Harrison of Rye, a first-time customer Wednesday, brought a cooler to fill with shrimp after reading about the operation in the Rye Eats Local newsletter. She said she wanted to try buying straight off the boat because the harbor is close to her home and she likes the idea of supporting local businesses, but she said she also enjoyed the “sense of adventure.”

“It really, truly is an outdoor adventure,” Padi Anderson said.

Eunice Giles of Derry was also a first-time customer. While only two weeks into the shrimp season, she said she knew she still had to act early because of the shortened season this year.

“If I wanted to get my shrimp, I better do it now,” she said. “I’ve never been down to the boats to see how this works. It’s really interesting.” Read more…

The Yankee Fisherman’s Co-op will again be offering fresh northern shrimp at our next Winter Farmers’ Market in Rollinsford, Saturday, January 28th. If you plan to pick up shrimp direct off the boat, they are scheduled to go out Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays; make sure to call ahead to confirm landing times and availability. For more information about obtaining locally-caught northern shrimp, click here >

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