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Morgan’s Post: Seacoast Eat Local’s Newest Intern

Hello everyone! My name is Morgan Lebrun and I am a senior at the University of New Hampshire studying Nutrition and Dietetics. I am excited to have started my internship with Seacoast Eat Local and can’t wait to see what this fall brings. I am eager to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing organization and learn about the local food system and community. Buying locally is so important not only for the environmental implications, but also to support the local economy and farmers.

I am very interested in holistic health and how eating nutritious foods can assist in developing an overall healthier lifestyle. At school, I have learned a lot about the nutrients in foods and how they affect health. I hope to eventually become an endocrinologist, and as a doctor with a nutrition background teach people about the benefits of healthy eating and its role in disease treatment and prevention.

I have been in college for 8 years (yes, that’s not a typo, it has been a while) now, and have experience with the Spanish language, biological sciences, nursing, and nutrition. I am excited to learn more about farming practices and where exactly my food comes from. I do follow a plant-based diet and have a lot of ideas for fruit and vegetable based recipes. I love to cook and experiment with new ingredients and can’t wait to share some of my recipes and ideas of how to incorporate more plant based foods into day to day life. Please don’t be shy, feel free to ask me questions and introduce yourself, I will be at the Saturday Portsmouth Farmer’s markets this fall.

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