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Kicking off the Summer Market Season: My First Three Months as SNAP Ambassador

Blog Post Written by: Kerry Hull, SNAP Ambassador
As I close in on my third month as SNAP Ambassador for Seacoast Eat Local, I reflect on the experiences I have had so far. For years leading up to this position, I had an increasing passion for food accessibility and food justice. After graduating from the University of New Hampshire this past Spring, I aimed to put my passion for food justice into action. During my time at Seacoast Eat Local, I have been able to do exactly that.
At each market, I get to interact with a variety of wonderful people. They visit the Seacoast Eat Local table for many different reasons, from purchasing SNAP or debit tokens to spend around the market, to gathering issues of our informational magazine Seacoast Harvest. Nearly every patron that visits my table is interested in learning about what role Seacoast Eat Local plays in the market and the surrounding communities, and they are always looking to spread the word about the services we provide. I am often approached by people with smiles on their faces, which is what makes my job most enjoyable.
My favorite part about providing services at each market is conversing with the customers that participate in the SNAP program. They are always thanking me and Seacoast Eat Local as an organization for making fresh local food more accessible and affordable. Our SNAP participants are some of the most appreciative people I have met, and whenever they thank me I feel like I am contributing towards the movement for better food access in underprivileged communities.
Another benefit of my job is that I get to be surrounded by local growers, many of which I have formed great relationships with. I find it important that we learn where our food comes from and more importantly, who grows it, and I get to learn about both of those at each market. Each farmer that I get to talk to at markets is passionate about what they do, and they are quite the inspiration for young, eager, food-focused people like me!
This job has already provided me with amazing social experiences and interactions, and I aim to continue the good work for many years to come.
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