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Growing & Preserving, February 26

thumbnailGrowing & Preserving
with Michelle McCarthy, Sanford Community Adult Education
Venue: 21 Bradeen Street, Suite 201, Springvale, ME
Date: Thursdays, February 26, March 5 & 12, 2015
Time: 6:30-8pm
Fee: $39, pre-register

It’s not rocket science! So you’ve been thinking of growing some of your own vegetables… or you have signed up for a CSA share… or you’ve been eyeing those gorgeous veggies at the local farmers’ market and you want to take advantage of stocking up on them when they are IN SEASON. Now what? However you get your veggies, you can’t eat them all at once, so you need to come up with a plan to preserve them for later or give them away, or worst case… you’ll eventually compost them ;-( If you’re afraid you won’t know what to do with your harvest, and truly HATE wasting those beautiful, delicious, nutritious veggies… join me for an overview of lessons learned. My husband and I started outwith a CSA share and now we grow a very large number of vegetables on a very very small plot of land. We’ve learned a lot about square foot gardening, trellising, blanching/freezing, dehydrating, canning, lacto fermenting, and good old fashioned root cellaring. We’ve learned a lot about bugs, organic pesticides, soil, composting – and much more. You’ll be inspired! Join me for this 3 session class and I’ll share what we’ve learned so you can get started.

For more information:

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