SAMM Loves Farm to School!

- Question: “Where does your food come from?” Answer: “The store!” At least, that’s the response most kids provide when asked where their food comes from. And their logic path is...

Food Policy Updates: June 2022

- A lot is happening at the state and federal level regarding food policy. There’s the possibility that SNAP/EBT could be used to buy hot/prepared foods and that WIC could be...

Finding the Sweet Spot at Hollister Family Farm

- The bee hives are buzzing and active on a balmy 70-degree day when I arrive at The Hollister Family Farm in Lee, NH. With 83-acres to manage—three in intensive vegetable...

Food Policy Updates: April 2022

- As we approach the summer season, many food policy changes are happening at the state and federal level. Here’s a few of the latest updates:   Senate Bill 403 (SB403):...

Update from the E.D: January-March 2022

- One of the parts of my job that I love the most is building an amazing team of staff, board members, volunteers, and community partners to achieve our mission. These past...

Mona Farm: A Story of the Chicken and the Egg

- How does one go from growing up in Paris, France to becoming a poultry farmer in Danville, New Hampshire?  Well, for Phil Nugent, 77, it all started with summers spent...

For the love of maple: Moonlighting at Maple Moon Farm

- The hinges of the cast iron firebox at the base of a gleaming stainless steel evaporator squeal as maple sugarer Frank Ferruci loads more wood. As the fire crackles, the...

Happy Kids in the Kitchen: crEATe Pilot is an A+

- “Such an enjoyable activity tonight with my 5th grader and 8th grader (shh, don’t tell…). I even heard, ‘we should do this once a week!’ Thank you!” –Parent of students...

Maple Sugaring 101: from Tree to Table

- With the availability of year-round maple syrup (because it stores so well), it’s easy to forget that there is actually only a small window, within a small region of the...

Our Food Has a Story: The New England Fishmongers

- From Dock to Door Eating locally includes the sea!  You’ve heard the phrase “farm to table”––but how about “dock to door?” It’s the slogan of the New England Fishmongers––a local...